BCA Architects, Ltd.
Creating environmental spaces for life.
At BCA Architects we create environments that support life.
From the initial assessment of each client’s individual needs to the creation of a design solution, we balance the human element with form and function.
The result is a space where inhabitants thrive.
The Design Process
The architecture design process is a problem solving process. The critical first step in solving a problem is to clearly define that problem. This may sound simple and conceptually speaking, it is. However, every architectural problem is complicated by a number of variables. These variables include the characteristics of the client, the users, the physical constraints, and the budget. It is complicated even further by legal and governing constraints. These are all variables that make each architectural problem a unique challenge for the designer.

Commercial Design
BCA Architects one-of-a-kind commercial design solutions are created specifically for each and every project. We have no preconceptions, no prototypes and no single style.

Educational Design
Learning environments provide an opportunity for growth. Expanding communities, diverse cultural needs and evolving technologies are placing a greater demand on new and existing spaces to produce more.

Municipal Design
Government and municipal buildings dictate a level of functionality that is durable and survivable with extreme use and minimal maintenance. Architectural creativity is the foundation for highly functional, low maintenance design.
Urban & Commercial Design
BCA Architects’ one-of-a-kind commercial design solutions are created specifically for each and every project. We have no preconceptions, no prototypes, and no single style. Understanding both office workflow and contemporary office workspace tools is essential to the successful design of today’s office. BCA has a long history of blending technology with aesthetics in creating functional and productive office environments. Working closely with clients, BCA Architects determine the appropriate design solution for each individual project. To build consensus at every step, the project management process is tailored to the client’s expectations, budget and schedule. Ensuring that the key issues are resolved and agreed upon early allows for a shared understanding of the project goals throughout the process.
Interior Spaces & Experiences
BCA Architects are experts in repurposing, replanning, and renovating interior spaces and experiences to support functions and events for your commercial, educational or municipal facility. We can adapt your existing building to better fit your needs without adding additional square footage.
Contact us today to schedule a planning consultation at 815-434-0108.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your ongoing service to our District. The historically
proven knowledge and understanding of our Life Safety needs has kept Ottawa Township High School a
showcase facility for education. I am especially impressed with Mr. Matt Lamps and Mrs. Angela Kalsto
I am honored to write this letter of recommendation letter for Basa lay, Cary & Alstadt Architects, Ltd. Ottawa Township High School District #140 initially employed the firm in 1987 and has maintained an ongoing positive working relationship with this firm since that time. The firm consistently provides reliable service and does an excellent job of meeting the needs of our District.
I highly recommend Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt. Wallace has one of the nicest and most functional buildings in the area. Rutland Grade School is solid and well-maintained. I owe much of this to the fine work of the folks at Basalay, Cary, and Alstadt.The projects they have planned for us have been solidly planned and executed to be creative yet meet our needs within our means.
Please accept this letter of recommendation written with the utmost respect for BCA Architects. In our 2.5-year relationship, Angela Kalsto, Principal Architect has been nothing but a consummate professional and highly regarded expert. Please feel free to reach out with any questions pertaining to BCA Architects.
It is with much enthusiasm that I am writing a letter of recommendation on behalf of BCA Architect, Ltd. First Federal Savings Bank has a longstanding working relationship with your firm, dating back over 25 years. I am happy to recommend the services of BCA Architect, Ltd.
Recent Projects
City of Peru Public Safety Complex – Municipal Police Headquarters
BCA was hired by the City of Peru in 2017 to start the task of programming the needs of a new police station for the city. BCA and our consultants; MWL, IMEG and Chamlin teamed up to program and ultimately design a new 32,000 sf municipal police headquarters. The City...
Crossbridge Community Church
BCA worked with Crossbridge Church in Ottawa Illinois to adapt their existing building to better fit their needs without adding additional square footage. We re-programmed, re-purposed and renovated their existing spaces to support the growing congregation and...
LaSalle Lincoln Junior High School Remodeling
As district Architects for LaSalle Elementary School District #122, BC&A designed an extensive remodeling and renovation project which included renovation of 23,000 s.f. of their existing junior high school campus. Areas of renovation included a...
Let’s Design Something
Contact BCA Architects Ltd. today for your educational, commercial, or municipal building project.
620 W. Lafayette St.
Ottawa, IL 61350
(815) 434-0108 (P)
(815) 434-1603 (F)