Design Process
The architecture design process is a problem-solving process. The critical first step in solving a problem is to define that problem clearly. This may sound simple and conceptually speaking, it is. However, every architectural problem is complicated by a number of variables. These variables include the client’s characteristics, users, physical constraints, and budget. It is complicated even further by legal and governing constraints. These are all variables that make each architectural problem a unique challenge for the designer.
The approach to defining, “the design problem,” is an analytical one. It is to collect data, both technical and organizational, and then to organize and prioritize that data so that needs can be established. This process of problem definition is most successful when it is done in a participative manner including all stakeholders. This process yields the best consensus on the problem and subsequent acceptance of the solution.
BCA will work as a team with the client to address real identified problems, not merely implement someone else’s design solutions.
BCA works to establish realistic goals and endeavors to balance needs with budget and space constraints. With a completed and accepted Design Program (problem statement), BCA develops solutions in stepped phases which provides the client input on every aspect of the final design.
BCA principals are working principals and actively manage projects
BCA has a strong commitment to providing experienced professional persons working directly on projects. Each project’s, “Principal in Charge,” will work directly with the client in the creation of the final design solution. Additionally, the client will benefit from internal reviews from other firm principals with expertise in other aspects of the field of design. The client can be assured that the principal at the interview will be the person with whom they will be working with throughout the project.
BCA takes a leadership role in the solicitation of bids by preparing the Advertisement for Bids and then contacting potential prime bidders to obtain interest.
BCA will conduct the Bid Opening and then analyze the bids including, if necessary, queries or interviews of apparent low bidders to ascertain understanding of scope and/or to ascertain compliance with bidding requirements. BCA will then prepare a written statement of findings to the client.
BCA will work as a team with the client to address real identified problems, not merely implementing someone else’s solutions. BCA works to establish realistic goals and endeavors to balance needs with budget and space constraints.

When primary project responsibility transfers to the successful contractor, BCA will assist the client in the administration of the contract through review of all contract submittals and certification applications for payment. BCA will visit the construction site to generally check for compliance with the design specifications. During the completion phase of the construction,BCA will conduct a substantial completion visit and prepare a punch list of items to be completed. BCA will prepare and administrate close-out documents. BCA is familiar with the cost of construction and will work with the client to maximize the cost efficiency. BCA will manage the design process providing design leadership and counsel to address issues of budget, alternate approaches and time constraints.